ANNOUNCEMENT On the interest rate support limit expected in 2022 according to Decree No. 31/2022/ND-CP and Circular No. 03/2022/TT-NHHH

Pursuant to Notice No. 241/TB-NHNN dated June 9th, 2022 of the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) on the expected interest rate support limit in 2022 according to Decree No. 31/2022/ND-CP and Circular No. 03/2022/TT-NHNN on the official letter of registration of interest rate support plan of Indovina Bank Limited (IVB) dated June 2, 2022, Indovina Bank Limited informs all customers about information about Support limits are as follows:

  • Object of interest rate support:

Enterprises, cooperatives, and household businesses receiving interest subsidies which:

+ Wish to use loans in any of the registered sectors mentioned under Decision No. 27/2018/QD-TTg dated July 6th , 2018 of the Prime Minister on Vietnam's economic sectors, including: aviation, transport and storage (H), tourism (N79), accommodation and food and beverage services (I), education and training (P), agriculture, forestry ,and fishery (A), processing and manufacturing industries (C), software publishing (J582), computer coding and relevant activities (J-62), information service activities (J-63); including construction activities serving the aforementioned economic sectors but excluding construction activities serving real estate trading mentioned under code (L) according to Decision No. 27/2018/QD-TTg; or

+ Wish to use loans to execute projects for the construction of social housing, worker houses, renovation of old apartment buildings in lists of projects consolidated and announced by the Ministry of Construction.


  • Eligibility for interest subsidies:

Customers at IVB must simultaneously satisfy the following conditions to enjoy interest rate support:

i. Customers have request for interest rate support according to IVB’s form.

ii. The loan agreement between the customer and IVB was signed and disbursed during the period from January 1st, 2022 to December 31st , 2023.

iii. The loan has not been supported by interest rates from the state budget according to other policies.

iv. The loan currency is Vietnam dong (not applicable to products specified in Decision No. 410/IVB-BOE/2016 and regulations on amendments, supplements and replacements from time to time).

V. Customers using loan funds are entitled to interest rate support for the proper purposes as prescribed in Object of interest rate support.

vi. At the time of interest rate support consideration, customers do not have loans with overdue principal balance and/or overdue interest balance. The time to determine the overdue principal balance and late payment interest balance is the time of collection of principal debt and interest as agreed between IVB and the customer recorded in the loan agreement/loan contract/credit line contract/debt repayment commitment.

vii. Loans of customers in the case of debt extension are not supported with interest rates for the debt extension period (including the case of debt extension according to Circular 01/2020/TT-NHNN dated March 13th, 2020 on credit institutions and foreign bank branches restructure debt repayment terms, exempt or reduce interest and fees, and maintain debt groups to support customers affected by Covid-19).

  • Rate of interest subsidies: Rate of interest subsidies shall be 2%/year of the outstanding balance and the actual interest rate subsidies term.
  • Methods of subsidizing interest rate: IVB will Collecting the entire loan interest from the customers in the period and refund the customers the supported amount of loan interest on the next working day of interest collection
  • Application reception time: From 01/08/2022 to 31/12/2022 or until the funding (interest subsidy quota) runs out that IVB was notified by State Bank of Viet Nam, whichever comes first.

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