• Pursuant to the Law on Credit Institutions;
  • Pursuant to the License for operation of Joint-Venture Bank No.101/GP-NHNN
    issued by the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) on 11 Nov 2019;
  • Pursuant to the current Charter of Indovina Bank Ltd. (IVB) dated 22 Nov 2022;
  • Pursuant to Circular No. 21/2013/TT-NHNN dated 09 Sep 2013 of the SBV
    stipulating the operating network of commercial banks, and amendments & supplements;
  • Pursuant to the Decision No. 03/2022/QĐ-BOM-HRND promulgated the Regulation on network management and development of IVB dated 10 Mar 2022, and amendments & supplements;
  • Pursuant to the Dispatch No. 863/HAP-TTGS dated 24 May 2023 of the SBV –
    Hai Phong city branch’s approval on acceptance for changing the address of Nomura Transaction office with out changing the location of the Transaction office.
  • Pursuant to the Decision No. 132/2023/QĐ-BOE-HRND dated 24 May 2023 of
    IVB Board of Executives on changing the name and address of Transaction office.


 IVB would like to inform our Valued customers on the rename
and changing address of Nomura IZ Transaction office
under Hai Phong Branch with the following information:

  • Old name: Indovina Bank Ltd., Hai Phong Branch, Nomura – Hai Phong IZ Transaction office.
  • New name: Indovina Bank Ltd., Hai Phong Branch, Japan – Hai Phong IZ Transaction office.
  • Directly managed branch: Indovina Bank Ltd., Hai Phong Branch.
  • Old address: Management Building, Nomura Industrial Zone, Town 6
    Do Nha, Tan Tien ward, An Duong district, Hai Phong city, Vietnam.
  • New address: Management Building, Japan – Hai Phong Industrial Zone, Tan Tien ward, An Duong district, Hai Phong city, Vietnam.
  • Phone: 0225 374 3054 – Fax: 0225 374 3050
  • Effective date: From 26 May, 2023

We would like to sincerely thank our Valued customers for trusting and accompanying us in the past time and look forward to continuing to receive
your support
, close cooperation and use of our services in the near future!

We are very pleased to serve you!

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