Dear Valued Customer

Indovina Bank Ltd (IVB) would like to thank you for banking with us so far.

To comply with Decision No. 575/QD-NHNN on the maximum interest rate for deposits in Vietnam Dong of organizations and individuals at credit institutions as prescribed in Circular No. 07/2014/TT-NHNN March 17, 2014. Accordingly, IVB would like to inform customers, IVB will apply a new interest rate tariff in order to comply with the regulations of the State Bank, specifically the maximum interest rate applied to demand deposits and terms of less than 1 month is 0.5% and the maximum interest rate applicable to deposits with a term from 1 month to less than 6 months is 5.5%, effective from April 3, 2023.

Please see the new interest rate tariff at IVB's Website by following the link:


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